Christmas commemorates the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ – the Messiah of God. It is a cultural festivity that entails a lot of preparations. The festivities bring along togetherness and warmth among families and friends. Setting up the sustainable Christmas tree, celebrating rituals, engaging in cleaning and decorations engages everyone for the festival. Artsy gifts and presents are placed under the Christmas tree wrapped in creative aesthetic gift boxes and a lot more cozy decoration.
But this Christmas let’s make a change, and develop a sustainable model to celebrate the festival. Therefore, starting with small steps towards making changes to live a sustainable lifestyle. Likewise, celebrating this Christmas around the three Rs to Sustainability with Rajasthan Studio.
Now gift Art Experiences to your loved ones with Rajasthan Studio.


Start this new beginning by reducing the use of electricals for decorations and make a conscious choice while choosing between electrical decorations like the Christmas star, fairy lights, or other decorative articles. Remember to use these electrical resources cautiously and make it a point to switch off the appliances while not in use.
Consequently, reducing the use of these appliances by simply replacing them with handmade traditional candles. An eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative that serves the purpose well. Expel the darkness with a ray of hope. Create a useful tea light decorative candle holder. Set up some candles and harmonize the right mood this Christmas. Learn to make an elegant Christmas tea light candle holder.
Reference: Xmas tea light holder & Christmas Decoupage Wall Hanging Swathi Swami
A definite no to the aesthetic sky lanterns widely used for the festivities. These are beautiful to watch but very harmful to the environment. The lanterns cause hazardous problems to the flora fauna. Adding to the uncertainty of where and how it could land, increases the risk factor.
The materials used are not biodegradable. They emit harmful toxins that can have adverse effects on human and animal health. Reducing the use of such products will lower the chances of destruction and deflate the emission of toxins. Additionally, handmade Christmas stars, Christmas trees, and other decorations made using fabric or paper could be the best fit.
In conclusion, start new trends replacing the traditional rituals that can cause chronic lifestyle problems. Plant indoor plants to decorate the house instead of using colorful plastic decorations. Beautify the house or simply gift plants for this Christmas. Begin with new alternatives of your own choice this Christmas.

The festival brings together family and friends through gatherings and occasions. This calls for festive shopping for decorations, sweets, clothing, etc. While all this is what makes Christmas, it is necessary to pay keen attention to how it affects the environment.
The use of articles meant for single-use is made of harmful plastics that do not degrade easily. In fact, it is a social responsibility to work on this and use articles made of reusable materials. It is not necessary to buy new decorations each year, reusing must be practiced. Additionally discarded or waste articles make beautiful decorations or DIY gifts.
Equally important it is a must that each individual turns to be a conscious buyer and a regulator to promote these small steps towards a better living. On the whole, it’s the season to be jolly and to spread smiles. Make handmade personalized Christmas cards reusing paper and other art supplies for friends and family.
Reference: Christmas Cards Two Ways: Learn to Make Festive Cards Using Ink and Watercolour Mohona Bhadra
Segregate and collect articles from home that include clothing, cutlery, art supplies, or anything that is in good condition. The articles that are no longer needed, donate these articles to NGOs or directly to anyone in need that you are aware of. Make note that edible leftover or cooking material should be distributed among the needy. There are a number of organizations that collect food that is excessive at times and distribute it to the underprivileged. Focus all your energies this sustainable Christmas to spread love.

Break the norm, spread love through actions this Christmas. Make a conscious choice while buying new apparel each time. Most of the festive garments are a one time use. Check for your options on how the garments could be worn in different styles or upcycle the garment into a new style altogether. Recycle fabrics from old saris, or any other piece of clothing to a new piece for the festive season.
Subsequently reusing the fabric to create a new piece will only extend the life cycle of the fabric and add value to it. Upcycle aesthetically appealing brand new pieces of home decor from old fabrics. Upcycling old fabrics allow customization of cushion covers, curtains, table runners, coasters, and some other home essentials. Recycle and upcycle materials this Christmas, create some exquisite home decor, and gifting articles using Faux tile and mosaic decoupage.
Reference: Faux Stone and Faux Tile effect and Mosaic Decoupage Day Bandita Bose
Make a switch from the fast-paced lifestyle and experience what slow and sustainable Christmas. Moreover use up cycling as a technique to promote life span for an article. Indeed make use of all the discarded households to create gifts or decorations this Christmas. Create beautiful baskets from waste fabric. Explore the macrame technique to develop quirky wall hangings, or accessories for gifting. Make use of the glass bottles or jars for some esthetic gifting. Fill it in with some sweets or dry fruits and decorate it well. Reuse flowers to make DIY fragrances.
To summarize, the whole idea is to make the most of what is already existing. Create some beautiful string art with your family to mark the festival, togetherness of the season. It will be a piece you will cherish for a lifetime.
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