We’ve all been through really tough times last year. Some lost their loved ones, many of us lost our jobs, and some switched to freelancing. Now as and when we are adapting ourselves to this new normal – freelancing in the post-pandemic world, we are finding ourselves in a loop of worries and anxiety concerning our careers and employment.
While we are struggling to find ourselves a decent job in the post-pandemic world, the stats show that many of us have opted for freelancing as a career. However, this always leaves us worrying about a lot of factors – some of which include stability, future prospects, decent pay amidst several others.
So, as always, we are here to your rescue. However, before beginning to talk about freelancing as a career option in the post-pandemic world, let’s briefly discuss about freelancing as a career option.
Freelancing as a profession
While freelancing might seem like a cakewalk to a lot of people, here are a few things we ought to ask ourselves before considering freelancing as a full-time profession.
1. Are you good at organising your time?

When it comes to freelancing, you’re your boss and in full-charge of the number of hours, you wish to devote to your work. Even though this seems like a pretty cool thing, this may have adverse effects on your physical as well as mental health if you do not micromanage your time. So, if you have a knack for organising your time well, this could be a good profession for you.

2. Can you motivate yourself regularly despite the risk and uncertainty?

With the freedom to choose your – why, when, how and for whom to work comes to a lot of risk and uncertainty. If you’re someone who is looking for stability in life, then you might face problems while having freelancing as a career. Besides, there might be numerous factors to distract you, while choosing freelance as a profession, prep yourselves for not giving in to these distractions – no matter how tempting they might seem.
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3. Do you need a traditional working environment to focus?

One of the perks of freelancing is that you can work about anywhere. You don’t have to worry about an uncomfortable office chair. All you need is a decent internet connection and laptop. However, all good things come with a price, don’t they? As much as we would all love to work while sipping on coffee at our favourite cafe, we also need to consider if we can focus anywhere. If yes, then go for it, lovelies!
4. Can you work alone?

Well, one of the most important factors when it comes to freelancing is to be able to work alone. Even though while freelancing you can work in the comfort of your pyjamas, you don’t get to interact with people every day. Nor do you get to enjoy little breaks with your office bestie. It’s on you to decide if you’re willing to give this up. If yes, then, what’s stopping you?
5. Can you multi-task?

Well, if you think that your mom won’t ask you to fetch dhaniya while you’re working at home, well, then it’s time you come out of your bubble. Jokes aside, with liberty, comes the responsibility. Most freelancers have their startups or other responsibilities. You’re wrong if you think you will just have to take a couple of calls and work on a client’s project. So, prep yourself to wear more than one hats if you’re deciding to choose freelancing as a career.
6. Are you good at communicating and convincing?

When it comes to freelancing you might not always get fair and just clients. With some, you might even have to put your foot down and negotiate. For this, you really need to know your value and to be good at communicating, convincing and selling your product – which, in this case, is your skills.
Besides, whenever you speak with your potential client, your voice must reflect self-confidence. Now, do not misquote me as there’s a difference between confidence and over-confidence, and the latter can make you lose a lot.
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Why has freelancing become a preferred choice in the Post-Pandemic World?

For all those aiming to choose freelancing as their career option in the post-pandemic world, it not only allows you to be your boss but also earns you extra money. In addition, it results in a subsequent decrease in workplace harassment – both physical as well as psychological. The best factor is that you can choose you – why, when, where, and how to work.
The Payoneer report shows, the outburst of the Covid-19 has resulted in the businesses to see outsourcing as a more flexible option. “Businesses are realizing that when costs need to be cut, having a growing workforce of freelancers can provide them with both flexibilities to scale and quality service,” it says.
This sudden urge in the freelance economy makes freelancing as a career as the ‘hot pick’ of the season. Nevertheless, it quite understandably makes us wonder as to why are companies willing to invest in freelancers more than traditional 9-5 employees.
Well, what are your views when it comes to freelancing? Tell us about it in the comments below!
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