Pandemic Art: Artists That Depicted Life In Coronavirus

2020 was a difficult year. Wasn’t it? It was a year without celebrations, people, and motivation. But it was also a year that made our relationships fonder, reconnected us with ourselves, and made us a lot more grateful.
We scrolled our time on Instagram, sharing relatable memes and delicious recipes. But there is one more thing that gained a lot of appreciation on social media. Pandemic Art. A lot of struggling artists finally found their audience and people who left their passion for work made a comeback. From art journals to illustrations, here are some of the most relatable pandemic art in 2020 that aptly describes our life in the pandemic.

Pandemic Art 2020

The mask affair

A whole new revolution began in 2020 with masks right at the center of it all. It indeed went on to create its own style and trend. With this never-ending pandemic, a lot of people have now stopped wearing masks. These pandemic art works are a reality check for them. It shows us just how important and simple it is to WEAR A MASK!

The sanitizer saga

These days, it’s okay to forget your phone or wallet, but you cannot step out without a sanitizer. Instead of checking reviews, people first check if the place is sanitized before planning their outing. This new way of life started a few months back, and these artworks show just how a small bottle of sanitizer became the lifeline we never knew we needed.

Celebrating amidst the pandemic

Gone are the days when we needed excuses to not attend the big family functions so we could meet our friends. This pandemic, family, and friends have blended into one group of people we can’t wait to meet! New ways and traditions have begun, but the bond we share with our loved ones remains just as strong. These artworks reflect the true meaning of the celebration, to be close to everyone at heart even when the relationship is long distance.

Corona Warriors

We are privileged enough that we are safe and alive. A lot of people sacrificed their lives and continue to do so to keep the world going. Medicines and vaccines are definitely helping us cope with the virus, but without the people working even during these difficult times, this wouldn’t have been possible.

Quarantine trends

As we are still adjusting to the new normal, quarantine trends have made staying at home a little entertaining. From whipping up dalgona coffee to learning TikTok dances, it sure kept us on our toes (literally)! When covid prompted us to stay at home and pause our on-going lives, many discovered themselves through these trends.

Romance in the pandemic

We can all agree that romance and pandemic don’t quite fit together. Swiping right and left became the new normal during the pandemic. And if you are in a relationship, you must have been glued to your phone 24*7. These artworks aptly describe what romance looked like in 2020. With everyone being extra careful and choosing video calls over dates and ordering pizza instead of going out, 2020 sure has turned the romance around.

Distancing ourselves from the world

One thing that most of us could not deal with in 2020 was isolation. People who got locked in with the family were lucky. There were thousands out there who were battling this fight alone. Some people willingly isolated themselves so that we could stay safe. It was difficult, but it was our only way out. These artworks not only express how we felt about isolating ourselves, but it also acknowledges people who put themselves through difficult times just for us.

The 2020 mood

“Wake me up when this is over”, nothing describes the 2020 mood better than this. People dying, cities drowning, climate deteriorating- it was just too much to handle. Everything happening around was so sad and depressing that people were just grateful for existing.

Pandemic art in 2020 expressed what we couldn’t. These paintings and illustrations summarize how we’ve felt or how we’ve spent our pandemic. Doesn’t it?

Tell us in the comments, which pandemic art work described your 2020?

Follow Rajasthan Studio on Instagram for more amazing art and travel content. Reach out to us on email at contact[at]rajasthanstudio[dot]com. This blog is curated by Rajasthan Studio and written by Deepti Parmar.