Jaipur Literature Festival 2022 – Things You Must do!

The greatest Jaipur literature festival is now live. Music, books, transformational conversation, constructive exposure and highly celebrated and influential personalities; all roofed under one roof to guide, awaken and lead the era of tomorrow. Moreover, are you excited to sleeve up and immerse yourself into the thorough learning and excitement it’s working to bring? 

Well, you definitely must. It has all the reasons for you to remain excited about. From the opening of soothing music to registering enormous guidance from highly profound professionals, the fest has a lot of sound value to add. So let’s go scrolling down to see what wonders we could get to live here. 

Live Art Experience

It’s always best to begin from the very new & the striking one, isn’t it? So, one very recent addition to the Jaipur Literature Festival 2022 that has made it evolve in an even more worthy and sound manner is the live art experience by Rajasthan Studio. Art has been an exceptionally undenying part of growth and creativity and a reason for bread for many. So knowing what goes into it in and out can truly be engaging and a lot more productive. 

Rajasthan Studio, the recent responsible addition to the fest allows you as a participant to not only witness the awe of traditional and modern artforms. But also shares an opportunity of engaging practically into it and developing a hand of expertise. You will be receiving exposure to a number of art forms that have soundly been present over decades. A few of them are as follows:- 

  • Puppetry
  • Lac jewellery
  • Miniature painting
  • Rice writing
  • Paper mache

Hence, these art forms will be curated and directed by experienced artisans. Who have down the lines made an impact with their respective artforms. Although, from starting raw to acquiring minute details everything you here will be best guided with. So, this addition by Rajasthan Studio is a must to indulge and keep an on. 

Activities to do

The list of activities to explore and be a part of doesn’t just end here. Therefore, the fest will allow you to witness an enormous spread of exposure that in every sense is motivating & inspiring. 

Jaipur Literature Festival 2022 is studded with approximately 400 speakers. And performers walking down from different aspects of life. These fine professionals represent various national and international languages and walk down from 15+ nationalities. 


The fest furthermore adds colours of music, craft, book reading & interview sessions and more. The festival partners with a lot of creative firms and lets them present their unique contributions. As a participant, you get to get one to one with these exceptionally fine firms and make the best out of it. 

So there is a pool of elements for you to learn and explore from. If you’re a book person and looking to establish yourself in a similar field. Exposure to this festival can help you fuel in a big way. So pack your bags and set out to be a part of the most influential community that’s come together to serve and voice a purpose. 

Thank you. 

Keep Exploring! Keep Innovating! 

Follow Rajasthan Studio on Instagram for more amazing art content. Reach out to us on email at contact[at]rajasthanstudio[dot]com. This blog is curated by Rajasthan Studio.