
Morally Sound & Sustainably Persistent

Rajasthan Studio believes in giving back more than we demand. Today, sustainable tourism accounts for environmentally sound measures along with community development. While we grow in this sector, we make sure to boost eco-friendly practices in our daily operations. We foresee a world where tourism works in conjunction with the local ecosystem rather than exaggerated itineraries and we are working to make this a reality.

Sustainable Practices

Minimal Environmental Impact

We motivate the use of public transport during the transit with regards to our experiential tour. Additionally, our experiences are held at artist residences which assures minimum wastage and maximum utility.

Alternate Livelihood For Artisans

While artists eagerly wait to sell their art, we collaborate with them to curate an art experience. The immersive process of creating an art from scratch to a masterpiece. This generates alternative livelihood for artists.

Community Developmental Approach

We not just drive community growth, but struggle to sustain their vibe throughout. Our community of passionate artists has grown into a family of 2100+ individuals who actively are a part of our operations.

Promoting Rural Economy

When we bridge the gap between local master artisans and travellers, it is not just the artist that benefits, but small businesses surrounding his locality also get a boost.

Low Impact Technologies

Rajasthan Studio doesn’t encourage the use of technologies that leave higher carbon footprints. Our operations are majorly based on telephonic & internet conversations.

Creative Tourism

Rajasthan Studio curates creative experiences for tourists that speak the language of culture, tradition and artistic heritage. We take efforts to impart high quality experience alongside preserving the dying art forms of India.