Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Cancellations & Refunds

How can I cancel my booking?

Any booking can be cancelled by dropping an email to or by contacting +91-9820560980. The email should have all relevant details concerning the booking and contact shared while making the booking.

Is the booking refundable?

For a full refund, any booking needs to be cancelled at least 7 days in advance before the experience is scheduled to start or within 1 hour of purchase.

Cancellations due to weather

If any experience is cancelled due to the weather creating a safety concern, the host or Rajasthan Studio may cancel the experience. In such cases, the booking would be fully refunded.

Cancellations due to an emergency

In the event of an emergency, the host or the guest may cancel the experience. In such cases, the booking would be fully refunded subject to the documentation provided. Emergencies include death, unexpected serious illness/injury and government-mandated obligations.

Can I reschedule the booking?
You can reschedule the date or time of your experience (or add or remove guests) within 1 hour of your booking (when it’s made) and up to 72 hours before the experience is scheduled to start. The bookings that are rescheduled cannot be cancelled

When I will get my refund?
You will receive it in your refund via your original payment method within 7-14 days or whatever minimum time the payment gateway takes.