Why Is Tigress Machli Famous Around The World?

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Credits: www.ranthambore.com

Machli tiger or T-16 is one of the most well-known tigers across the globe. Born in Sawai Madhopur forests in 1997, Machli lived a long and prideful life of 20 years. This led to her being the world’s oldest tigress. She has also contributed greatly towards boosting the tiger population in India. 

Let us take a look into the life of Machli and how she gained various titles. She successfully garnered the honourable titles of Tigress Queen of Ranthambore, Queen Mother of Tigers, and Crocodile Killer. 

Life of Machli

Remembering Machali, India's most famous tigress
Credits: DailyO

Machli T-16 was born to Machli I and inherited her mother’s name because of the fish-shaped mark on her face. She was a dominant cub among the litter of 3 cubs. She hunts from as early as 2 years of age. As she grew, Machli, the Bengal tiger took over some part of her mother’s region and later had her territory in Ranthambore’s lakes, forts, and forest area. 

During her lifespan, Machli gave birth to eleven cubs in 4 litters. Eventually, the tiger population of Ranthambore grew from 15 tigers to 50 tigers in 10 years among which half of the tigers were from Machli’s lineage. To boost the tiger population, 2 of Machli’s female cubs were sent to Sariska Tiger Reserve in 2008.

Fierce and Vigorous – The Tiger Queen Machli

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Credits: reddit.com

Machli – the famous tiger of India is known far and wide because she displayed strength and rigor throughout her lifetime. Machli is certainly the most popular tigress because of her encounter with a 14-foot mugger crocodile. She defeated and killed the crocodile, hence known by the name Crocodile Killer. Machli tiger also lost two of her canine teeth in the battle; however, it did not stop her from being the fierce queen that she was. 

Even after losing her teeth, she was a powerful tigress who dominated other mighty tigers ferociously. She succeeded in defending her territory and cubs from them victoriously. 

In her lifetime, Machli tiger garnered about $10 million per year for Ranthambore National Park due to the rising tourist visits to witness her magnificence and loftiness. She was absolutely camera-friendly. Hence, capturing her beauty was a seamless task for the visitors and cameramen who recorded her documentary. 

famous tiger of india, famous tigress of india, bengal tiger, world’s oldest tigress, queen of ranthambore, machali t-16, popular tigress, ramthambore’s famous tigress, tiger queen
Credits: patrika.com

This famous tigress of India is among the most photographed ones across the globe. Machli garnered the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ because of her contribution to tourist attractions and the conservation of tigers. The Indian government recognized her where they issued a commemorative postal cover and stamp to honor the legacy of Machli. 

As Machli got older, she lost all her teeth and eyesight in one eye. Her daughter Sundari captured her territory. For quite a while, Ranthambore’s famous tigress was fed and taken care of by the staff of the National Park. Various wildlife documentaries across channels like BBC, National Geographic, and Animal Planet feautures Machli’s bravery, resilience, and royalty. Machli tiger was truly a legend that died on 18th August 2016 at the age of 20, having lived her life more than any average tiger and leaving her legacy behind.

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