How Rajasthan Studio Used Instagram Housie to Initiate Funds for PM Cares Fund

As the people continue to diligently fight the COVID 19 pandemic by staying at homes, they are extensively using social media platforms to stay connected with their family and friends. The social media feed of people is flooded with quizzes and group games these days.

While most people are doing it to interact with one another and keep themselves entertained, a Jaipur-based artisans’ supporting community, Rajasthan Studio, came up with a novel idea. They organized an Instagram Housie not just for fun but to encourage people to support the government in their fight against coronavirus.

The rules of the Lockdown Housie required the participant to donate the housie ticket amount of Rs. 100 to the PM Cares fund in order to confirm their registration for the group game.

Kartik Gaggar, Founder, CEO Rajasthan Studio explained,

We got 51 registrations mostly from the esteemed artisans within the state, helping us contribute a sum total of Rs. 5100 to PM Cares fund. Rajasthan Studio is an initiative founded on the core principle of community-building. And this activity came to us as a beautiful reminder of the importance of social solidarity. A help no matter how big or small is a blessing for someone in need, and right now. The only thing that can save our souls from the wrath of this pandemic are heartfelt blessings.

Follow Rajasthan Studio on Instagram for more amazing travel content. Reach out to us on email at contact[at]rajasthanstudio[dot]com. This blog is curated and written by Rajasthan Studio.